Block or Informational Messages

You may see messages at the top of a page after retrieving a patron, copy, or item record. Messages can be one of the following:

  • A block on a transaction with a reason as to why the transaction cannot be completed. If the user has the Override (library or resource) blocks permission, they can either address or override the message, and then proceed with the transaction.
  • Information about a patron, such as a hold is ready to pick up, or they have an overdue checkout or fine that requires attention.
  • Information about a copy or item, such as the copy was signed by the author or the item is checked out to another patron.

Address an Issue

  • To address patron issues, switch to Circulation > Holds/ILL, Fines/Fees, or Patron Status. Destiny retains the current patron information whenever you switch between the Check Out, Check Out Items, Renew, Holds/ILL, Fines/Fees, and Patron Status pages or, at media centers, between Bookings and Patron Status.
  • To address copy issues, switch to Circulation > Copy Status, and retrieve the copy.
  • To address item issues, switch to Circulation > Item Status, and retrieve the item.
  • To change an important note into a regular one, clear the flag by clicking Hide Note. Regular notes only appear in Circulation > Patron Status, Copy Status, and Item Status.