Configure weeding reasons and disposal methods

A district user with the Manage Library Materials for the District permission can configure whether to track a reason and disposal method when a title/copy is deleted.

The Reason and Disposal Method drop-downs appear when deleting a title or copy from the following locations:

When these options are enabled, Destiny includes the following by default (which you can edit or delete):

  • Reasons: Infrequent Circulation, Outdated, and Poor Condition/Damage
  • Disposal Methods: Book Sales, Discard, Donation, and Recycle

To enable or disable tracking:

  1. Go to District Back Office.
  2. Select Admin > Configuration.
  3. Next to Weeded/Deleted Management, click Edit.
  4. Click the Settings sub-tab.
  5. Use the checkboxes to indicate if you want to track Reasons or Disposal Methods, and if you want users to be required to select them when they delete a title/copy.
    Weeded/Deleted Management Settings page.

Note: You can also see if tracking is enabled and whether the drop-down is required from the Reasons and Disposal Methods sub-tabs.

Reasons sub-tab with Current Reasons highlighted.

To add, edit, or delete a reason:

  1. Go to District Back Office.
  2. Select Admin > Configuration.
  3. Next to Weeded/Deleted Management, click Edit.
  4. From the Reasons sub-tab, do one of the following:

    If you want to...


    Add a reason

    1. In the Add Reason field, type a reason.
    2. To make this the default reason, select the Make this the default Reason checkbox.
    3. Click Save.

    Edit a reason

    1. Next to the Reason you want to edit, click Edit icon..
    2. Make any changes.
    3. Click Save.

    Delete a reason

    Next to the Reason you want to delete, click Delete icon..

To add, edit, or delete a disposal method:

  1. Go to District Back Office.
  2. Select Admin > Configuration.
  3. Next to Weeded/Deleted Management, click Edit.
  4. Click the Disposal Methods sub-tab.
  5. Do one of the following:

    If you want to...


    Add a disposal method

    1. In the Add Disposal Method field, type a method.
    2. To make this the default disposal method, select the Make this the default Disposal Method checkbox.
    3. Click Save.

    Edit a disposal method

    1. Next to the Disposal Method you want to edit, click Edit icon..
    2. Make any changes.
    3. Click Save.

    Delete a disposal method

    Next to the Disposal Method you want to delete, click Delete icon..